Our company

DBizners is a company specialising in the management of Db2 database systems on mainframe platforms and/or open systems.

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DBizners provides modular, flexible and scalable solutions that enable administrators, developers and end users to improve the quality of their services and optimise the use of their infrastructure. DBizners primarily searches for the most profitable solutions for the client and, alongside them, the installation of solutions that can evolve autonomously.

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DBizners is resolutely focussed on listening to the client, it is in its DNA. DBizners provides an adequate response to expectations but above all allows the client to gain autonomy and shares a maximum of knowledge with the client.

It bases its approach on two major axes for this, namely a TOP-DOWN approach to assist in understanding the different details in the solution, and the PARETO principle to optimise the investment/return ratio and thus also to offer its clients an advantageous solution with minimum investment.

Thanks to this approach, DBizners facilitates the transfer of skills to new generations of Db2 managers.

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Companies that already have Db2 expertise:we will provide an external view to challenge current methods or future choices.

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Companies with a (temporary) lack of human resources:
we will strengthen the teams to realise several projects (migration, maintenance, etc.)

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Companies with little or no Db2 expertise:
we will establish automated controls, validate the respect of good practices

DBizners is active in most large sectors that use Db2 databases to manage their information, such as the banking and insurance sector, but also to Db2 users in the retail, industrial or public institution sectors.

The two founding members of DBizners, Bernard Jabas & Alain Pary, have worked in Db2 z/OS database management for over 20 years. They have performed all the functions relating to DBMS Db2 z/OS management (DBA application, system engineering and Db architect).

They regularly attend meetings of the Db2 GSE Belux or Db2 European user group as participants or speakers. In addition, they share their expertise with the international Db2 community via IDUG forums or professional social networks.


Some references